As the Christmas and New Year holiday season fast approaches my over-riding thought is – how can it be that time of year again? Just where did a whole year go? Perhaps it’s because I hit 45 years of age this year or perhaps it’s just the way of modern life, but time seems to be accelerating. Anyone else feel that way too? Phew! So, I’m not alone then!
So for me Christmas is a time to slow down and chill out. Now of course - me being a raging extrovert on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality profiling scale – chilling out will involve spending time with Suz (my long-suffering, wonderful wife of 17 years, Sandy (my 15 year old son) and Julia (my 13 year old daughter), my mum, dad, brother and a whole host of friends. I’ll also be working on my motorbike. The old FJ1200 is now 21 years old (took me and Suz all round France a couple of summers running in the land before children and has also been hammered round Knockhill race circuit on track days) and I’m very emotionally attached to it. But 21 years have taken their toll and so this winter it’s a complete strip down, and much painting and metal polishing. So, many a happy hour in the garage for me and Sandy over the holidays.
One thing I will be doing this holiday (as I do every holiday) is taking off my watch. I spent 17 years as a lawyer accounting for my time in 5 minute blocks. While in the world of training, coaching and conference speaking it’s not quite as bad as that, I do still spend a lot of time watching the clock. Sometimes it’s to ensure that I’m on track for hitting all the necessary points in a training session. Sometimes it’s to make sure I’m on track to make one of the many trains and flights I do every year. So it’s lovely to escape to the beautiful west coast of Scotland and just for a couple of weeks, lose track of time.
Best wishes to you all for a wonderful Christmas and New Year holiday.
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about the author
Michael Fleming is our Head of KWC Legal. If you would like to know more about this subject, drop him an email and we will be in touch.